Beiträge von Kazi

    Inu, u do know very well that i use this just because im lazy x)

    Well, what do u all think about our soldiers in afghanistan and that again 4 of them died just today?

    cookie: I think u are failing in what u do, i'm not the slightest bit annoyed ^^

    geez, it's essay for aufsatz and for Facharbeit u can say subject test

    I disagree a little with u inu, for me it's not happy-go-lucky, it's more like pratriotism, but even in this aspect they already changed a little for the better ;)


    Original von Cookie
    Have you ever been in America? So many of the people you meet are like I described. Of course not everyone but many.

    No, i haven't yet, but i meet american people at my work so i know a lot of them. Not to mention that i talk to them via internet. I just come to have many contacts ^^


    Original von Inu
    What? Not the weather! When we have an interesting topic like this, we should make use of the chance and start a nice and fair discussion! That's how you treat topics like this in this forum (especially if you're to talk to Kazi and me =P)!

    In my opinion, the Americans are mostly happy-go-lucky people. Sure, there are exceptions and there is a rather big number of people who are like you described them, too, but to be fair: So many people live in America, if you count the aggressive and depressive people, that would for sure not be as many as those who you would find in Germany, even if just per percentage.

    And like Kazi said, I can't stand prejudices. Everyone has them, I can't not count me in, but you don't have to live according to them. The Americans I met were normal people, maybe a little bit naive, but just as us Germans.

    what the heck is "happy-go-lucky"? I want to make an exception here, pls discribe in german what u mean with that. I agree with u one all the other parts, but maybe i wouldn't have used a double negation there ^^


    Original von Cookie
    To stay on my side of the discussion I'll randomly bring up a fact for you ^^ Every 3rd american has been put in jail at one time. You can google it. And yeah I might have some prejudices but in some way you have to globalize people to charaterize a nation.

    Of cource I know Americans that are the total opposite of my typical American still I see the American like said previously.

    Hell let alone teir health care system, their war policy and many other different things make me dislike them. And if I dislike ones way of being / doing I look down on them.

    I googeld it, but couldn't find an article discribing this. Well, it's not like i don't believe u, more like i wasn't sure if u can believe this article.
    Sure u can use this to characterize a nation, but for me it looked like u are bad-mouthing them cause u only discribed things that are well known things that we use to look down on the americans.

    Believe me, most of them are not proud of it either, but to change this it takes time so i'm curious in which way the american people will change.

    @Fairy-Tail-Light: Please don't use the google translation here for whole sentences ^^'
    Just try urself and ask us to correct your mistakes. I think u will learn english language better if u do that.

    If it's about the americans i'm with inu there. I don't think we're much better when it comes to this points. and to add more, we have much more flaws as it appears. For example the biggest, our bureaucracy. I think this is the most well-known fact about us, so i think we shouldn't badmouth them like that.

    oh and for the prejudices, i think u can't count them for everyone as always. I'm sure i have known a lot more americans than u and all of them were nothing like u discribe them. I think this is just disgracing to make u fell better. Or not only u, more like germans alltogether.

    sry, that i got a little serious here, but i can't stand someone saying something like this ;P

    oh and pls don't worry about the time i wrote this x)
    I'm just getting ready to go to work now ^^


    Original von Inu

    Nein, ich meinte nicht, dass ihnen die Fähiigkeit, ihre Magie zu benutzen, genommen wurde... Einfach nur, dass ihre "Magie" quasi kopiert wurde. Also, um mich mal in Computersprache auszudrücken, sind Natsu und Wendy die Server, von denen runtergeladen wurde, aber es ist noch alles auf dem Server drauf X)

    Bei dieser Metapher musst ich schmunzeln ^^

    Ich denke, ihnen wurde einfach nur der strom aus der batterie geklaut und da diese sich nach und nach wieder auflädt soltte es kein problem sein solche kleinen feuerbälle zu spucken ^^

    Bei MP wäre das richtige wort natürlich regeneration

    Übrigens Inu, dein 2. Punkt lässt mich auch ein wenig grübeln. Aber wenn man animmt, dass die Pillen die Blockade zur Nutzung der Magie aufheben, dann ist klar, dass die Magie schon die ganze Zeit da war. Bewirken die Pillen aber, dass MP bekommt so macht es sowieso sinn, dass Natsu einen Feuerball abgelassen hat und somit Magie verwenden konnte. Alles in allem kommts also mMn auf die exakte wirkung der Pille an.

    Das müsste Beat it sein ^^

    tz ... spamthread ... als würde "banne-deinen-vorposter" nicht schon genug gelegenheit zum spammen bieten :rolleyes:

    @sam: was hast du denn für einen pc und browser?

    Nein, das .mkv-format speichert die Untertiteldateien in einer Extra-Spur der Datei. Das heisst wenn man die datei zum Beispiel zu .avi konvertiert, dann kann man die Untertitel nicht mehr ausblenden.